Our Mission
Leading People to Live Christ-Centered Lives
How do we do that?
Through weekly worship & teaching
Through choosing community
Through outreach & serving
Through leading others
Bibically Grounded
The Bible is the Word of God. As such, it is the ultimate authority upon which we base who we are and how we live as followers of Jesus Christ. At Sandhills we focus not only on accurate teaching and application of biblical principles, but also on equipping each believer to be a good student of the Bible.
Equipping Families
The Bible teaches that the primary responsibility for the spiritual formation of children rests on their parents. We have intentionally aligned multiple areas of ministry to equip families for the many stages of spiritual development from infancy through adulthood.
ONE Church
We believe there is ONE church in Columbia (the Body of Christ) comprised of many congregations. We intentionally pursue relationships, and partner, with other like-minded ministries in our community for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Sandkidz Jr. (Birth-5K)
Outwardly Focused
The Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives, families, communities, and nations. We are actively committed to engaging the world outside our walls with the gospel. We also strive to equip Christ-followers for their work in communicating the grace of God.
Life change occurs in the context of relationships – with God, with other Christians, and with our community. Therefore our ministries are designed to foster and build upon the foundation of transformational relationships.
Intentionally Diverse
God created the human race with a beautiful spectrum of diversity and we strive to reflect that back to Him as a part of our corporate identity and worship. Our congregation is comprised of a broad cross-section of races, ages, social classes, and ethnicities.
Modern Expression
Most churches have a preferred style of expression that influences everything from architecture to lighting to song selection. Our style is purposefully modern in an effort to reach as many as possible within our modern context.
Culturally Relevant
We believe the Bible speaks to every generation. We do not shy away from difficult issues that affect our lives and society. We routinely address current issues from a biblical and practical perspective.
Humor, laughter, enjoyment, and fun are part of God's design of the human race. We incorporate humor and fun into our approach to ministry and the life of this church.