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Denny Terrace Campus Pastor
Jason Crawley

Jason “PJ” Crawley is originally from The Bay Area of California, where he spent most of his life growing up and graduated high school from Pittsburg High School. Before graduating Jason received a full scholarship to play football at Fresno State University. While there Jason received a BA in Social Work and completed the coursework for a certificate in Cross-Cultural Competency. Shortly after his time at Fresno completed, he married the love of his life Ashley. Jason is currently a student at CIU (Columbia International University) Biblical Seminary completing a Master of Arts in Theological Studies.
Jason and his beautiful wife have 5 children together: Allanah & Jeremiah (Twins), Saniah, Eden, and Yisrael (Izzy). Jason has been in both part time and full-time ministry for almost 20 years. He has a heart for diversity and seeing the lost come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. He loves teaching and preaching God’s word and fish tanks. While growing up in the Bay Area as a young boy, Jason made a very wise decision and became a 49er fan. Jason’s personal mission statement is: “I endeavor to I.M.P.A.C.T. (Inspire, Motivate, Push, Affirm, Challenge & Train) the lives of EVERYONE I encounter.” Jason is excited to lead the Denny Terrace Community to live Christ-Centered Lives.

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